
I am a local independent designer from Chicago. In 1993 I was bedridden for about 6 months from knee surgery, while recovering my mom bought me some fashion magazines and I soon became quickly inspired by fashion especially the Versace ads.

In 1994 I enrolled in college for fashion merchandising and graduated. In 1996 I saw my first fashion show and that is when the sewing bug bit me…I soon enrolled in a sewing class and attended William Rainey Harper college for fashion design. I became very passionate about sewing and making clothes for myself and for my friends.

In 1998 I was selected to compete at the “Jeunes Createur de la Mode” competition in Paris, France.

In 1999 I received a one month scholarship to study at the American Intercontinental University in London. Upon my return from London I worked for a fetish/bondage design company, a prom dress manufacturing company, a children’s outerwear company, created custom designs for different types of artists and performers such as Steven Tyler of Aerosmith (see photo below). I also have been designing modern dance costumes since 2000 for different schools and dance studios.  You can check out some of my dance costumes here.

In the summer of 2012 I was personally asked by Japanese designer Master Shingo Sato to be part of his first online class that included about 40 designers from all over the world to learn his remarkable TR (Transformational Reconstruction) technique. I am so honored and so grateful to have been part of this special class that would not only teach me a new way of patternmaking but I also developed priceless friendships with people from all over the world!

I can honestly say that had it not been for my knee surgery and my sewing teacher Angela Cary who was nice enough to teach me from her home I don’t know what I would be doing.

“The consequences of today are determined by the actions of the past. To change your future, alter your decisions today.” ~ Anonymous~



Steven Tyler “Just Push Play” Tour 2001
(Yes, thats Steven Tyler wearing my pants..cool right?)
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